Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Internet Marketing Tips - A Trick You Can Use on Your Membership Customers

Okay, I know we all love these sneaky little tricks that we can use on our customers to get the most out of them. Well here is one that is so devilish and so clever that you are just going to love it. This works great on membership sites. Want to know what it is? Keep reading and you'll find out.

Let me ask you a question. What is the ONE thing that most membership site members complain about? Not sure? Well I'll tell you. It's that there isn't enough content to justify paying for the site month after month after month. That's why the attrition rate for membership sites is so high. It's also why there are so many refunds for membership sites in the first month. So, you want to put a stop to this? Here's a neat little trick you can do.

Give your members so much content, so much value, so much information and so much support that they can't possibly go through it all in the first month and thus go passed the refund period. Then, when you've got them hooked with all this content, give them even more the next month and the next month and the month after that. And do it at a price that's so low that it's almost criminal. They'll never be able to cancel their membership. You'll have them for life... or longer.

Okay, obviously the above is tongue in cheek and meant to be humorous. However, there is a lot of truth in it. See, the problem with many membership sites is that there just isn't enough value in them after the first month, if at all. Certainly not enough to justify paying a high fee month after month. And that IS why so many members drop out quickly or even ask for a refund.

By providing the kind of value I mentioned above (no, it's not easy) you give your members a feeling that you actually care about them. I have one membership site where I provide the members with content every single day and it's just $10 a month. Insane? Maybe, but I don't get a lot of people leaving after that first month. Now, I'm not saying you have to give away the farm, but the member needs to feel that they are getting more value than what they're paying for it. Sorry, but that's the reality of this business.

So, if you want to increase your membership retention and lower your refunds, you might want to think about what you're actually putting into your site and if your members feel it's valuable enough to pay for month after month after month.

Answer that question and you've got a real winner on your hands.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of creating products that nobody wants and don't sell? Check out my Complete Guide To Product Creation at http://www.stevewagenheim.com/productcreation.html and create products that actually sell.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Wagenheim

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